Feel the Water

Heat in the right place at the right time HERZ dynamic control set

Even though the start of the winter season creates a lovely Christmas atmosphere, it also marks the official opening of the heating season. However, rising heating costs do not make us feel warm inside. When this is compounded by the problem of unevenly or even inadequately heated living spaces or noise in pipes and fittings, you can expect a lot of annoyed end users. In many cases, this annoyance is due to an improperly controlled and regulated heating system. These problems can be prevented with the dynamic control set from HERZ.

Hydraulic balancing

The medium flowing in heating systems follows the path of least resistance. System components that have a low hydraulic resistance, i.e. a low pressure loss, are supplied with more energy for purely physical reasons than system components with a higher hydraulic resistance. As a result, either one part is undersupplied or the other is oversupplied. This can be remedied by correct hydronic balancing, i.e. hydraulic adjustment of the system.

Adjustment of underfloor heating systems

Heating systems are dynamic systems. Individual heating circuits or entire manifolds are opened or closed by controls, whereby the differential pressure on the individual heating circuit and therefore the flow rate changes each time. This means that if a room is not heated, there is no resistance in the system, which means that other parts of the system receive more flow.

However, each heating circuit must be provided with the flow rate calculated in the planning. The flow meters regulate the desired flow rate for all heating circuits at a given differential pressure.

The heating circuit pump must overcome the entire resistance at the manifold together with the heating circuits. If this is not the case, some areas will be heated unevenly or even inadequately. On the other hand, if a heating circuit receives more flow than planned or required, this leads to high costs and has a suboptimal effect on the service life of the components involved. Speed-controlled pumps cannot make a positive contribution here because the differential pressure for the heating circuit with the highest pressure loss must always be provided.

The dynamic control set from HERZ with the differential pressure controller is the tried and tested solution to these problems. It enables simple hydraulic adjustment of the underfloor heating for energy-efficient operation of the entire heating system.

The difference between theory and practice

In theory, differential pressure-independent thermostatic valves keep the flow constant for each heating circuit, even if the differential pressure at the manifold changes. In practice, the precision mechanical components of these thermostatic valves react extremely sensitively to the slightest impurities in the heating water. As a result, these valves are no longer able to regulate within a very short time.

For this reason, the use of differential pressure controllers is recommended in practice. By keeping the differential pressure constant across the entire manifold, the set flow rate in the heating circuits is maintained, even if the differential pressures in the heating system vary. This is tried and tested and yet, or precisely because of this, good. HERZ also supplies a further development of the classic differential pressure controller precisely for underfloor heating applications.

HERZ Dynamic regulating set

The dynamic control set from HERZ provides the necessary control to ensure that the required quantity of heating water is available at the desired location at the desired time. The combined functions of differential pressure control, zone control, isolation and flow limitation ensure excellent control of the panel heating. The adjustable throttle valve is used to limit the flow and guarantees that a manifold cannot be oversupplied. The zone valve is pressure-relieved. Thermal actuators or geared motors with low actuating forces are ideally suited for mounting. This allows the supply to the manifold to be completely interrupted. This is particularly practical if the entire area supplied by the manifold, e.g. an apartment, is to be shut off.

In addition to all these functions, the insensitivity of the dynamic control set to contamination in the heating water ensures that the hydraulic control function is maintained in the long term. The dynamic control set from HERZ is available with and without a fitting for heat meters.


  • All system components are supplied with the right amount of energy.
  • Comfort is ensured for all users.
  • The temperature spread between flow and return corresponds to the planning.
  • The flow temperature can be lowered.
  • The pump output can be minimized.
  • Heat pumps operate in the optimum range.
  • Noise generation in pipes and fittings is avoided.
  • Energy consumption is reduced.
  • Operating costs are reduced.

HERZ dynamic control set advantages

The integrated differential pressure controller reacts much less sensitively to contamination in the heating water than dynamic thermostatic valves.

The dynamic control set keeps the differential pressure at the manifold and therefore also the flow rate in the heating circuits constant.

The integrated zone valve with mounting for thermo or geared motors can be used to control or shut off the entire manifold.

distributor can be controlled or shut off.

The compact dimensions of the dynamic control set allow easy installation in manifold cabinets as little as 80 mm deep.

The HERZ dynamic control set is the ideal supplement for all HERZ underfloor heating manifolds. It enables robust and simple hydraulic adjustment of a HERZ underfloor heating system for optimum energy efficiency of the entire heating system. HERZ dynamic control set order no.: 1 8635 XX.

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