Health is the most important thing in life. Sitting for long periods of time can lead to back pain and muscle tension in the long run, especially in the lower back. Therefore, the choice of chairs, especially at school, is of great importance. Non-ergonomic chairs often do not provide enough support for the spine and can lead to poor posture. HERZ has therefore provided the "HERZklasse" in HTL Mödling with ergonomic class chairs - and in Austrian quality.
Especially at a stage of life when the body is still developing, any effort to maintain proper posture is crucial. As the pioneer of Finnish architecture Alvar Aalto once remarked, "Sitting is an action that doesn't get enough attention, even though it greatly affects our daily lives."What's the point of giving the best lecture if students have problems concentrating because of uncomfortable chairs and are not receptive?
Apart from back pain and muscle tension, non-ergonomic chairs also lead to poor circulation, postural damage, tension and concentration problems over time. For this reason, HERZ has this time equipped a class of the HTL Mödling with ergonomic class chairs. The decision was made in favor of the Austrian manufacturer and market leader in the school furniture industry in Austria - Mayr Schulmöbel.
"The class chairs are a visible sign of our cooperation, but we are talking about the skilled workers of tomorrow. The collaborations keep the students on the cutting edge of the industry. We are particularly pleased when the students can get in touch with their future employers on a one-to-one basis," says Dipl. Päd. Josef Trummer. Within the school, the class is referred to as the "HERZklasse".
Students of class 3 AHGT with Peter Hacek (Technical Consultant HERZ), Sanda Schaefer (Marketing Manager HERZ),
Dipl. Päd. Josef Trummer (Department of Building Services), Dipl. Ing. Elisabeth Berger (Head of Department of Building Services) and Prof. Karl Mühlbauer (Head of Class 3 AHGT).
Franz Burgstaller (teacher of the building services engineering workshop) together with students of the 3rd AHGT (building services engineering) in HERZ polo shirts.