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HERZ Armaturen
Feel the Water

New Product

We move water 2.0<br>HERZ Pumpfix Accessories

We move water 2.0
HERZ Pumpfix Accessories

Every system, without exception, has fixed components that it cannot function without. However, putting the individual parts together takes a lot of time and space, both in the planning and in the implementation.


Herz News

HERZ in Mexico

In our last issue of the year, you can expect a variety of topics that are perfect for the cold season. From hydraulic balancing with practical tips to an exciting interview about wood-hybrid construction and the use of the HERZ all-rounder HerzCON - we bring you expertise and innovation.


Featured Project

Energy from pecan nut shells in Mexico with HERZ

The sustainable use of biomass as an energy source is gaining momentum worldwide – and in Mexico, this approach is now being implemented in an innovative way. The company Hidroponia del Noroeste in Casas Grandes, Mexico, uses pecan shells to heat its tomato greenhouses. ...


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